Shijie Song, PhD
Assistant Professor

Shijie Song (宋士杰) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing at the Business School of Hohai University. He is also a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Information Management at Wuhan University. His research interests include information systems, human-computer interaction, and health informatics. Shijie holds a Ph.D. in Information Studies from Nanjing University and dual master’s degrees in International Business and Marketing from the University of Groningen and Newcastle University.

Selected Publications

  1. Song, S., Yao, X., Zhao, Y., & Ba, Z. (2024). Get inspired and pay for the goods: An investigation of customer inspiration and purchase intention in livestream shopping. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. [DOI]
  2. Song, S., Zhao, Y., Yao, X., Ba, Z., & Zhu, Q. (2022). Serious information in hedonic social applications: Affordance, self-determination and health information adoption in TikTok. Journal of Documentation. [DOI]
  3. Song, S., Xue, X., Zhao, Y., Li, J., Zhu, Q., & Zhao, M. (2021). Short-video apps as a health information source for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: information quality assessment of TikTok videos. Journal of Medical Internet Research. [DOI]
  4. Song, S., Zhao, Y., Yao, X., Ba, Z., & Zhu, Q. (2021). Short video apps as a health information source: An investigation of affordances, user experience, and users’ intention to continue use of TikTok. Internet Research. [DOIESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper of the year 2023
  5. Song, S., Yao, X., & Wen, N. (2021). What motivates Chinese consumers to avoid information about the COVID-19 pandemic?: The perspective of the stimulus-organism-response model. Information Processing & Management. [DOI]  ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper of the year 2021 & 2022 &2023
  6. Song, S., Zhang, Y., & Bei, Y. (2021). Interventions to support consumer evaluation of online health information credibility: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics. [DOI]
  7. Yang, L., Song, S. (Corresponding Author), & Liu, C. (2023). Green signals: The impact of environmental protection support policies on firms' green innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 1–21. [DOI]
  8. Zhao, Y., Zhao, M., & Song, S. (Corresponding Author) (2022). Online health information seeking among patients with chronic conditions: Integrating the health belief model and social support theory. Journal of Medical Internet Research.[DOI]
  9. Zhao, Y. C., Wu, D., Song, S. (Corresponding Author), & Yao, X. (2022). Exploring Players’ in-Game Purchase Intention in Freemium Open-World Games: The Role of Cognitive Absorption and Motivational Affordances. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. [DOI]
  10. Zhao, Y., Zhao, M., & Song, S. (Corresponding Author) (2022). Online health information-seeking behaviors among older adults: Systematic scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. [DOI]
  11. Kong, W., Song, S., (Corresponding Author) Zhao, Y., Zhu, Q., & Sha, L. (2021). TikTok as a health information source: An assessment of the quality of information in diabetes-related videos. Journal of Medical Internet Research. [DOI]
  12. Pian, W., Song, S., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Consumer health information needs: A systematic review of measures. Information Processing & Management. [DOI ESI Top 1% Highly Cited Paper of the year 2021
Selected Chinese Publications

  1. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 从ELIZA到ChatGPT:人智交互体验中的AI生成内容(AIGC)可信度评价 [J]. 情报资料工作, 2023, 44(4): 35-42.
  2. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 社交媒体中失真健康信息的传播、识别与纠偏研究 [J]. 情报杂志, 2023, 42(6): 162-169. 
  3. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. iField视域下的信息可信度研究:概念溯源、主题演化与未来展望 [J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2022, 48 (1): 107-126.  
  4. 宋士杰, 齐云飞, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 冲突性健康信息对用户健康信息搜寻的影响:基于不确定性视角的探究 [J]. 图书情报工作, 2021 , (11): 24-32.
  5. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 宋小康, 朱庆华. 信息源对数字原住民健康信息可信度判断的启发式实验研究 [J]. 情报学报, 2020, 39 (4): 399-408.
  6. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 宋小康, 朱庆华. 互联网环境下失真健康信息可信度判断的影响因素研究 [J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2019, (04): 72-85.
  7. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 韩文婷, 朱庆华. 互联网环境下公民健康素养对健康风险的抑制效应分析——基于CHNS数据的慢性病实证研究[J].数据分析与知识发现, 2019 3(4): 13-21.
  8. 宋士杰, 宋小康, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 互联网使用对于老年人孤独感缓解的影响探索——基于CHARLS数据的实证研究 [J]. 图书与情报, 2019 (01): 63-69.
  9. 宋士杰, 张玥, 赵宇翔. Science 2.0视角下公众科学项目设计准则初探[J]. 情报资料工作, 2018 (05): 6-13.
  10. 宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 健康信息获取渠道对健康素养培育的影响——基于城乡异质性视角 [J]. 图书与情报, 2018 (05): 36-43.

  1. Social Media Marketing (Undergraduate)
  2. Frontiers in Communication and Information Technologies (Undergraduate)
  3. Business English (Graduate)



Fo Cheng W. 8#, Jiangning, Nanjing, China